Despite the integration, informations from the customer's store (Shoper) are not sent to the edrone system
Dariusz Pawlak
so is it ok?
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This post was marked as
Dariusz Pawlak
z pdf wszystko kopiuje sie w jednej lini
<script> window._edrone = window._edrone || {}; _edrone.isInitialized = false; function edrone(){ if (!_edrone.isInitialized) { _edrone.isInitialized = true;window.customerPrivacy.onMarketingConsentGranted(function () { (function (srcjs) { _edrone.app_id = 'YOUR_APP_ID'; _edrone.version = '4.0.0'; _edrone.platform = 'shoper'; frontAPI.getBasketInfo(basketInfo => { var basketCount = localStorage.getItem('edrone_basket_count') ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem('edrone_basket_count')) : 0; var basketFlag = basketInfo.basket.count > basketCount; var basketProduct = null; if (basketFlag) { basketProduct = basketInfo.products.pop(); } localStorage.setItem('edrone_basket_count', basketInfo.basket.count); frontAPI.getUser(userdata => { if (!userdata.error_description) { =; _edrone.first_name = userdata.firstname; _edrone.last_name = userdata.lastname; } if (basketFlag && basketProduct) { _edrone.product_ids = basketProduct.product_id; _edrone.product_titles =; _edrone.product_images = window.location.origin + '/environment/cache/images/0_0_productGfx_' + basketProduct.image_filename; } _edrone.action_type = basketFlag ? 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